It was a rainy weekend in Crescent City, so I did a few things inside the RV while David took a few urgent repair calls.
There was another Siete cooking class… I missed out because I was a little too exhausted this week. But look at these adorable gifts! I did make one part of the dish made in class: chorizo refried beans. Two cans of pinto beans blended with a packet of Siete chorizo seasoning. So good with chips!

There were naps.

I reorganized the cooking gadgets cupboard. We’ve grown a lot since the first time we did this: we love our 3-quart Instant Pot so much that we decided to get a 6-Quart with an air fryer lid. The air fryer broke recently, and we replaced it with an Instant Pot brand air fryer lid.
Our two saucepans are in the top shelf behind the blender cups and two glass bottles we use to make fancy iced tea drinks. We often brew hibiscus tea, sweetened with a little maple syrup, and chill it in those two bottles. The bottles are wholly impractical, but we got them from Love Life Juice Co, and they’re too nice to discard. So we’ll reuse them until they break or we really need the space.

We tested out the new air fryer by wrapping Siete cassava flour tortillas around dill pickles with a little bit of vegan cheese. Definitely a fun Snacky Sunday.

Overall, a nice rainy weekend.
PS: Sunday the 13th was our 13th wedding anniversary!